How to view stage on laptop screen in addition to projector
Another nube question.
I'm running cues from the stage and my back is to the projector screen. Is there a way for me to see what's on the stage on my laptop screen?
either in Preferences: send a stage to your main display (if you want to use fullscreen) or open a control panel and add a Monitor (if you want a smaller window)
you're welcome,john -
Awesome! Thanks.
I'd like to add a small window using a monitor, but everything under the Controls tab is greyed out, is there something I need to do to make those available?
Sarah: go to View, select Actor/Control Split and an empty Control Panel will appear on the left side of your patch.
add a Monitor and size it however you like. you'll see a wee number 1 in the corner, go into your patch, and find the last Actor before the projector. where it says 'video out' (or similar) click on the text and a box will pop up with Ctl ID Link. if you change this number to 1, then that video stream will appear in the Monitor.hope this helps,john -
Got it! Thanks!