2.0 FreeframeGL Plugins
is there a location for FreeframeGL plugins? Will Isadora load plugins from something like resolume?
This link goes to a Isadora Pro thread.
Freeframe GL plugins need to be located in the defined freeframe folder within the Isadora Preferences.
My tests show that Isadora will look 2 folders deep in this folder.This allows you to organize your files. FFGL vs freeframe etc -
OK, I copied the links @gavspav posted in the pro section:
There is a [list already on the freeframe site](http://community.freeframe.org/plugindatabase?pluginDB_ff_version=FFGL+1.5x&pluginDB_license=All&pluginDB_OS=All&pluginDB_type=All) but it isn't ever updated!
Plus there are the [plugins bundled with the Resolume demo](http://resolume.com/download/)
[Bigfugs plugins are here](http://www.bigfug.com/software/freeframe/)
[Here are some from 1210 visuals](http://www.1210visuals.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=56)
[Various plugins free and commercial from the Mapio people](http://visution.com/downloads)
[Windows Openni plug in](http://vjfx.com/main/en/mmblog/mmblogintrinsicsrnd/item/3098-freeframe-depthcam-plugins-2)
[Some effects from Matias Wilkman](http://matiaswilkman.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/ffgl)
[A couple from hybrid visuals](http://www.hybridvisuals.nl/category/downloads/)
[Specially for you Dusx here is a windows only ffgl that seems to let you write new plugins in Python!](http://nosuch.com/tjt/nosuchsoft/)
[Few more linked from the Resolume blog](http://resolume.com/blog/tags/FreeFrame)
[Nice looking triangle plugin - maybe windows only](https://vimeo.com/85140944)
[Couple of plugins from Hive8 - maybe a growing list?](http://hive8.com/ffgl-plugins/radial-cloner/)
Thanks for all these the FFGL links MIchel & Gav. Nice!
Like the IR cosmic pack! More of those!
@michel thanks so much! could you say if some of your list are functional with V3?
Well if the page the url is linked to does not show any information about a 64bit version, I guess not. Not many did ever update there plugins.
Best Michel