Outputing to Blackmagic UltraStudio 3D
Hi,I'm using an Blackmagic UltraStudio 3D for video editing (driver 10.4.3).
With Isadora 2.0.5, with start External video Output and the correct settings, I'm able to use the Blackmagic HD-SDI output.
This is working with Movie Player and projector √
With Movie Player Direct Core the colors are really strange:
With Movie Player Direct, I got video on the stage preview but not on the external video output.
And with the Movie Player Direct Device actor, even after turning off External video Output, I'm unable to have anything on the Blackmagic.
My files are Broadcast compilant ProRes 422 (HQ) in 1920x1080 in both 25p or 50i.
Any advice ?
10.5 release installed.
Nothing changed... -
OK that's interesting. Especially if the preview is weird but output is fine.
The preview and the output are weird.
Will try other black magic interface, I've Terannex 2d, PCI-SDI, and Thunderbolt mini-Player.