Video of my first stage show using Isadora
I thought I would share both the video of the live stage show and the behind the scenes.
This was our VBS stage production called Dakota Josh and the Shattered Crown that myself and our kids pastor wrote, performed and created the visuals for.We used a Windows 10 machine to present on Espon multimedia projectors, Adobe CC for content creation, Canon DSLR to film, and Isadora to project and run the show..Hoping to take it to another level with our next production. -
Thank you for sharing! The behind the scenes tour is brill. I/we should all do more of these!
hey Graham thx.. yea, finding BTS stuff is thin out there.. I had your youtube page already subscribed to, so thanks for your tutorials..
I plan on each show we do, I'll have some form of bts footage.. especially once we get going on smaller Bible stories we will do weekly..
Agree with Graham, would also love to see more behind the scenes stuff