Isadora Operator Needed - London
Hello Everyone,
I'm programming a show that opens in London on the 22nd of October and runs until 30th October. It's a short (30-35min) piece for kids at the V&A museum during half term.During the run the show will be operated by the Stage Manager. Unfortunately I can't be there for the opening of the show as I leave on tour with a different show that same day. We should be completely ready and tech-ed the day before, with the Stage Manager running the show as normal, so I don't _need_ to be there but I would feel much happier if I could leave the company with someone who knows Issy just in case there are any first night glitches or unforeseen problems.So, we're looking for someone who can join us for two days, Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd October. On the Friday you can get a feel for the show and I'll take you through the patches. It's all fairly simple and (hopefully) neat and tidy! On the Saturday there are 3 half-hour performances 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00\. You're job will be simply to be there and in the event of any problems, fix them.Assuming the show runs to plan that should be it. We'd want to keep in touch in case any problems develop over the week of the run as you might be the best placed person to come back in.This will obviously be paid work but ideally you'd be based in or near London.If you're interested then please get in touch with me by PM or emailing crofty[at] and I'll give you some more details. If you'd like to talk it over a little more then again, PM or email me and I'll give you my number.Many thanks, looking forward to hearing from someone,Andrew Crofts -