Cueing ETC/Nomad via Isadora...
...on the same machine!
I'm trying to make my show control as streamlined as possible and would like Isadora to cue the Nomad, all from the same MBP.Does anybody have any experience with this...and is it a terrible idea to have Nomad running in the background while Izzy is my main program (many more izzy cues then lighting cues).I'm not sure if MIDI will work on the same machine...or OSC? I'm a newb with the Nomad (and my lighting designer isn't in town yet)...trying to troubleshoot in advance.Thanks!Jake -
Hi Jake,
I'm doing the same at least for preprogramming, because I'm running the shows on two different machines due security and performance reasons. I'm using osc. You cant write an Isadora Device on Cobal can give out osc via Deviceparameters or via Sequenceliststeps and can receive osc-Commands for many Consoleoperations.Here are the supported commands:Refresh
/refreshstatus = der Befehl erzwingt ein Update alle Beschriftungen und Fader WerteMaster
/masters/fader/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/key/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/flash/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/pagePlus/X = Seite+ für Masterbereich X (1-4)
/masters/pageMinus/X = Seite- für Masterbereich X (1-4)
/masters/page/X = Master Seite (1-999)Ausgabe:
/masters/fader/X <0.0-1.0> = Übertragung, wenn sich ein Faderwert ändert
/masters/label/X = Überträgt eine Masterbeschriftung
/masters/page/label/X = Überträgt eine MasterseitenbeschriftungHaupt Playback****
/effects/tap/XDirekte Parameter Steuerung****
/parameter/tilt <0.0-1.0>
/parameter/hue <0.0-1.0>
/parameter/saturation <0.0-1.0>
/parameter/intensity <0.0-1.0>
/independents/fader/X <0.0-1.0> X= 1-6
/independents/key/X <0.0-1.0> X = 7-9Direkte Tasten
/directselects/page/X, X = 1-5
/directselects/key/X, X = 1-40Übertragung:
Cobalt sendet Bankbeschriftungen und Beschriftungen Direkter tasten, wenn sich diese ändern:
/directselects/label/x -
Hi there,
Thank you so much for being willing to help me.Truthfully, you're vastly beyond my comprehension. Where would these supported commands need to be inputed?Thanks again for you help.Best,Jake -
Here is a user actor I made for this purpose in some project. If you look thru it maybe it will help you figure it out.
Also attched is a pdf with osc commands. If you want to simulate typing in numbers to choose macros or whatnot, just send the keystrokes with osc transmits separately with a delay inbetweenThe commands @Lichregie sent you are what goes into the address field and the actual goes into the input (of the osc transmit or multi transmit actor). You might have to add a "=" at the end of your address string. Look in my user actor and in the pdf, youll figure it out.Remember, you are basically simulating pressing the buttons, that might help you build your patch. -
Which versIon was this UA written in. I am having trouble opening it.
Thanks for posting it. -
Probably had it open in the latest beta to save it for you -
Regardings sending values to ETC EOS controller (Element) via OSC...
I just received word from a user in the support system that he was able to get communication working.Below is a segment of information that may be helpful to others trying to do the same.Thank you for your help on this. I actually just figured this out, and figured you would want to know the solution.The EOS consoles expect an "=" to signify that it is going to send a value instead of a container. So the output from the EOS console looks like this/isadora/1=%1Here is where I found the info.[]( hope this is helpful.