Raspberry Pi, interesting news and a new positioning system
I bought a raspberry pi at the beginning, some time ago, I tested it and choose to stay with Arduino because the media player was very ugly. Recently I was searching a way to do a cheap install with 6 HD video playing simultaneously (but not in perfect sync), with a way to start each one with a program. I came back to raspberry and i found a program here, a plain video player with OSC remote commandshttps://github.com/Hemisphere-Project/HPlayerNot so easy to install the right linux os (Raspbian via NOOB install) , then openFrame and the OSC library but now it works very well. I installed afp on linux, so I can upload the videos by ethernet or wifi and i can load a video, play it and pause it with a position return via OSC. No fade but for a 40€ computer it's fantastic to have HD hdmi output with sound, commanded easily from Isadora.I am working on a way to have an arduino slaved to raspberry as to command via OSC a servo to have a cheap shutter.When all is stable and tested with 4 videos, I will post a manual explaining the right way with pictures and code.Exploring the web, I found thathttps://www.pozyx.ioA system able to do indoor positioning with 10 cm precision, anyone had tested it?It seems very interesting to track performers position on stage.jhoepffner -
This is really cool. I like the pozyx :)
I installed it on my Raspberry, and it works. Really cool!
When starting HPlayer, I'm getting some error messages. I think it is because of missing OpenFrameworks. Did you install HPlayer from Binary or from Source (as described on GitHub)? I did from Binary.
It seems, that the OSC command /getStatus doesn't send any messages. When I do Stram Setup in Isadora, a stream is recognized at first. But the status is always 0.
Anyway, it's great that you found this and that you are developing an Isadora access to it.
I made 3 attempts to have a working install of HPlayer and Openframeworks. Now it works well. But I start Player with ssh from a remote macwith this$ HPlayer/HPlayer --path /home/pi/Videos --start 1 --loop 1 --info 0 --ahdmi 1 --out 1234 --host
I upload a first try to have a command from Isadora, with working back infos from Player, you have to pulse getStatus to update info.At the moment I am trying to use node to send OSC to raspberry and then to arduino as to move a servo as shutter, not so easy…Hope it works for you. -
Hello,i had a Project in August, where 15 Raspberry Pi 2 with HPlayer was synced over OSC commands from a MacBook, wich was controlled by a timeline in a Abelton Live Computer via Midi. We used MaxMSP as the MidiToOSC translator, but it should work with Izzy as well.I used Izzy as a monitoring tool, showing the permanent status of the players, as they wasn't physically easy reachable at the show.The Videos were all 1080p and between 1 and 10 minutes long, creating a 12min loop.The "Live Theater Installation" ran stable 8 - 10 hours a day, nearly 2 Month.In the preset phase we had a heavy testing and our programmer did alot of fixes together with the main author.Only if you do very fast switches in a high frequency, between video files, the HPlayer sometimes crashes.https://www.berlinerfestspiele.de/de/aktuell/festivals/berlinerfestspiele/presse_bfs/pressefotos/pressebilder_orfeo/pressebilder_orfeo_1.php?month=2016-01 -
Thank you for the return, my goal is not to have quick changes and I will test it before use… Have you more technical infos on website?I will use duration (or Vézer) as timeline directly in OSC from a mac.But I search an app running on the raspberry, able to send OSC from a timeline, I tried to install Duration but with no success, any idea?For the remaining program, slave an arduino to move a shutter or mirror, I successfully received OSC with pyOSC in python, successfully sent information to arduino.Now I need to write a Python script and an arduino program to do the work…Jacques -
I wrote some programs in Python which use OSC, namely remote controls for Isadora (you'll find it here: http://troikatronix.com/troikatronixforum/discussion/2324/izzy-player#latest ) and remote control for DMX.
Maybe the DMX control ist interesting for you, if you have a DMX shutter. My Python script uses OLA - Open Lighting Architecture. OLA runs on the Pi, that means that you would not need Arduino but some USB-DMX dongle like Enttec or DMXking.
In case this is an option for you, here are some links:
cheers, gunther
Dear Gunther,
I have no problem with DMX, I own a lanbox and DMX shutters…My goal is to have, linked to the Raspberry playing video, a cheap device blocking the flux, RJ45 so much cheaper.But thank you for the help.Jacques -
A recent project of mine might help. It was set up to control a bunch of Arduinos hooked up to a Pi from Isadora:
https://github.com/kfriedberg/bridgepiThe project turns the Pi into a rather single-purpose device, but the following might make Raspbian do the same thing.
First, get the serial number of your Arduino. Either plug it into the Pi and look towards the end of the output of the 'dmesg' command, or plug it in to Windows, go to the device details and find the Device Instance Path (it's the long hex number after the last backslash).
Next, install socat ($ apt-get install socat)
Then, make a file /etc/udev/rules.d/90-arduino.rules (90-.rules, really). The file should contain the following line, adjusted for your situation:
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{serial}=="64131383331351411041", SYMLINK+="tty_arduino" RUN+="/sbin/start-stop-daemon -S --exec socat --background --pidfile /var/run/tty_arduino.pid --make-pidfile -- -d -d -ly TCP-LISTEN:4571,forever,fork /dev/tty_arduino,b9600,raw,echo=0"Reboot, and whenever the Arduino's plugged in you should be able to contact it on port 4571 of the Pi.
If you've got multiple Arduinos, the rules file can have multiple lines. Each line needs to have a different value for the serial number, a different name for "tty_arduino" (careful, that's in 3 places on each line), and a different port on TCP-LISTEN.