AUAudioFilePlayer bug
Hi All,
In AUAudioFilePlayer, Output position is not accurate. When playing a whole file, the end of the file is always around 91-92 of the output position.
When changing play start to another value than 0, the moving playhead of the player goes "outside of the actor" at the end of the file whhen playing.
Tested with AIFF and WAV on OSX10.11.6 - Isadora 2.5.2
@fifou said:
the player goes "outside of the actor
I have seen things like this when the Scene Editor is either zoomed in or out.
I am not able to recreate this problem with two test files, one 0:50 in length, the other 1:11.1. Are you playing very long files? If so, how long?
What is the sample rate of the files?
Does the sample rate of the output device match the file sample rate above? (This shouldn't need to match, but I am asking so we can sort out the bug.)
Here's a test patch I made that reports the time based on the media time to percent.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Are you by any chance using an Motu interface?
I found it !
The culprit is 48KHz files.
44,1KHz files behave ok.
@ Mark : Thanks for the media percent to time user actor.
Extra request : I you dig into AUAudioFilePlayer's code, is it easy for you to add an EndLoop Trigger output, it would be sooooooo useful.
@Fred : No, I'm using internal soundcard
All the best