Help Needed: Isadora not running
So I correctly downloaded the free installer and i also downloaded Quick time for Isadora. However when i run Isadora it refuses to open and is ran as a background application in task manager. I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything and I have tried opening it in the file location and running it as an administrator none of which work. Any help would be appreciated.
Please provide your system details (Platform I assume Windows since you mention Task Manager, Windows OS version, Video card make and model, CPU etc..)
Have you installed Isadora 2.6.1?
Have you installed any external/third party plugins, like Freeframes or GLSL?That should be enough to give us a starting point.
@Woland this is one of my students, we spoke about the case via email.
Could you try this: https://support.troikatronix.c...