Face tracking raw data into Isadora with OSC
Face tracking hacks have been around for quite a few years now. So I would not be surprised if quite a few past Issy projects have used it!
Here I have used it in Isadora to inform and prototype the drawing of a face using the raw tracking data. One example draws the face using 3D Particles the other uses 3D Lines.The raw data is a multi OSC stream of 66 Pairs of x,y coordinates. Therefore it is not too difficult to implement. If anyone is interested in accessing the patch - here is a repository.
Check for app updates... FaceOSC is a gesture tracking app from https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker/releases
Used FaceOSC on and off for a while. Never found a good project to use it on though.
@skulpture said:
Never found a good project to use it on though
I was just having some fun while beta testing. I found this collection of student projects using Face OSC http://cmuems.com/2016/60212/category/faceosc/
best wishes
Great find! I have share that with my students. Cheers!