Audio level between scenes
Can I get audio to go full volume between scene mixes
I use a jump actor about 1.5 sec I need audio
(With audio cues to be full volume as soon as scene selected. And video mixes thru as per jump actor.
Let me understand what you are looking for more clearly.
You have 2 scenes. Both with Audio?
You want to transition Scene1 --> Scene2 with a visual crossfade time of 1.5 secs ?
You do not want an Audio crossfade (as is the default when cross fading 2 scenes).Do you have an audio track that plays constant, while images are changing?
What is the effect you are trying to produce?
I suspect you have 2 options.
1: Create one scene that crossfades between your media at the audio progresses. (this requires a little more patching in Isadora)
2: Run a Background scene to play your Audio separately from your visual content, and use the last Visual scene to deactivate your Audio background scene.