[SOLVED] Can't download USB key drivers
I wanted to download the USB driver (mac) to try my shiny new upgraded licence to Isadora 3 on a shiny new computer and I followed the link found in the "GET IT" section of this website (https://supportportal.gemalto....). Additionally I also followed instructions in the knowledge base (https://support.troikatronix.c...) without success. I tried with multiple browsers and computers and it always fails. I probably should open a ticket at the gemalto website but I would prefer not to create a new account for such a simple problem.
Does someone have the latest drivers for mac?
Thank you.
I didn't have any trouble downloading and installing the new HASP drivers on Mac. Fortunately I still have the Sentinel package on my desktop...
[deleted content] A bit of a Hagrid moment - can't redistribute 3rd party software here.
best wishes
Well, it is definitely not an Isadora problem. The problem is on the Gemalto website or on my side.
Anyway, thanks a lot for this file. I really appreciate it.
Everything is good and fun!
Sorry I thought I commented on this but I guess if forgot.
Immediately upon seeing this I tried downloading it myself and couldn't, notified Mark, who contacted their support. We're still waiting to hear back.
Thank you for your help. I'm sure other user will have difficulty with this. In the meantime, bonemap was of great help.