How to reload v2?
Re: [[SOLVED] FreeFrame actors issues on V3](/topic/5875/solved-freeframe-actors-issues-on-v3)
I am soon performing a project that was created in V2 and relied quite a lot on the Wave plugin which seems to not have a 64bit replacement.Is it possible to reload Isadora V2 on my computer so that I have access to the Wave actor??
(Other actors that I need access to include:
Solarize (ID = '534C525A')
Wave (ID = '57415645')
Kaleidascope (ID = '4B4C4441')
PanSpinZoom (ID = '50535A4D')
TimeBlur (ID = '54424C52')
Stretch (ID = '53544348')
TimeWarp (ID = ‘544D5750')
Also, If there is anyone in Utrecht or The Netherlands who I can hire for some technical consulting I would be very interested to talk with you.
Many thank!
Tim McLoraine
yes you can install multiple versions of Isadora: https://support.troikatronix.c...
But if you have Mac Os Catalina installed its not possible to use Isadora 2 because it is a 32bit application.
Best Michel
@tim-mcloraine said:
Solarize (ID = '534C525A') Wave (ID = '57415645') Kaleidascope (ID = '4B4C4441') PanSpinZoom (ID = '50535A4D') TimeBlur (ID = '54424C52') Stretch (ID = '53544348') TimeWarp (ID = ‘544D5750')
These are 3rd party FreeFrame Plugins, possibly Pete's plugins?
Do we have Pete's plugins on the Plugins page?
Hi there @Tim-McLoraine,
I'm a Dutch Isadora artist that is in the area at the moment. If you want to grab a cup of coffee and talk for a bit let me know by sending me an email at hello[at] -
Just in case you're not already familiar with Juriaan from the forum I wanted to say that, as an employee of TroikaTronix and a designer-technician myself, I highly recommend that you speak with him. He is extremely well-qualified and is easily one of the most knowledgable and skilled power-users of Isadora in the world.
@woland said:
These are 3rd party FreeFrame Plugins, possibly Pete's plugins?
We have a knowledge base article that lists all of the Pete's Plugins for v2 (so you can find them by name) and gives the download links.
Best WIshes,