What is the best alternative to NI-mate for Kinect v1 on OSX today
I am now using NI-mate on two Macs and one PC now, and they are working fine, but I am looking for a reliable alternative for sending OSC from Kinect to Isadora for Mac. What is the best alternative?
I do not need RGB data, only the OSC skeleton. Is this page still valid: https://community.troikatronix.com/topic/2403/kinect-isadora-tutorials-now-available/32
Some of the links are not working.
Many thank,
Don -
@dritter said:
OSC skeleton. Is this page still valid:
My understanding is that the focus has shifted to the beta development of an internal OpenNi module that features skeleton data as a data source. It is trivial to patch the decoded ‘skeleton data’ to OSC modules that will then pass on the data as OSC. With access to the OpenNI beta program you will be able to access the beta modules. This conversation might be better placed in the beta program thread. But there you go.
Best wishes
Depends on if you're working with Isadora 2 or Isadora 3.
For Isadora 3 we have the kinect modules in development.For Isadora 2, the solution using Processing reached end of life due to an update to a Processing Syphon library (if I recall correctly) but I can send you a link to a version of it that I have frozen in time on my Dropbox that should still work.
Thank you Woland, yes, I am interested in the version for Isadora 2. Please provide the link. I will be moving to Isadora 3 in a few months, but will finish the current project with 2.6.1
Don -
The issue, as far as I can tell, is that the Syphon library for Processing 2.2.1 that you are now pointed to by default has been updated and is no longer compatible with the method we previously outlined. You can find it after some digging around, but rather than doing that, here's a link that should have everything you need for the Kinect Setup on Mac, including the missing Syphon library and screenshots showing where to put it: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1gaogmgahpu3ryq/AAAmWeRzJyb5EfQXAhK23AMPa?dl=0
It is not an alternative for the future but if you are not in Catalina (I think in Mojave worked) it worked fine. I attach the link: https://sourceforge.net/projec...
@dritter how do you use the Kinect on a Mac? I have a MacBook Pro 2016 and wonder how I can use my Kinect 2 to da motion capture with my macbock.
Thank you!
You can use Isadora and the OpenNI Tracker actor to read the Kinect 2 on either Mac or Windows
Download the plugin here.
Get started with the interactive tutorial.
Watch my "guru session" on the OpenNI Tracker module on YouTube.
Best Wishes,