Mark programming at his normal speed, so we all have to replay the video in slo mo
Guru Session #8: Cocktail Hour and Open Questions (April 10th, 2020 - 6pm CEST/5PM GMT/12pm EDT/9am PDT)
What are the most exciting things you currently see in the arts to deal with current situation (I know you have an extensive network, so that is why I ask the question ;) )
I'd like to ask about getting the best results from Capture Stage to Movie....
I like the agility with which you work with programming Isadora in terms of being responsive to users and nurturing a community of practice. The ecology around Isadora is forever shifting and changing as opportunities for extending its compatibility with other hardware and software progresses forward. How do you see that ecology now and into the short term future in relation to what can be supported and what can be leveraged for creative work over the next two years or so?
Sometimes a texture only seems to partially map to a 3d model?
particle emitter: Is there any way to have the particles never fade? Also, create the equivalent of a motion blur w/zero decay that remains "transparent" instead of "additive"? (not sure if that is clear language...) -
@mark I like a rough goThrough about putting (more than one) Videostreams from far away into Izzy and sending them back to the same or a different place. I used to do that with Syphoner which doesn't work on Mojave and chewing now NDI. My beer ist cold an your Troikatini hopefully well prepared. See you soon.
@bonemap You need to give Mark more lead time for a question like that! :)
Mark programming at his normal speed, so we all have to replay the video in slo mo
They are now live :)
Can there be a future guru session that deals with integrating video feeds from gaming engines or 3d realtime renderers like notch of unity into Isadora? This would allow the blending of Isadora's realtime interactivity parameters into the powerful 3d generative content that can be made in the 3d engines!
Another question for a future guru session. Is there a way to multiple programmers editing a showfile on separate computers without corrupting the file in the cloud, if all the computers are on the same wifi network, is there a way to remotely edit a patch collaboratively but simultaneously?
@martin_kemner said:
Syphoner which doesn't work on Mojave and chewing now NDI.
I will have news regarding a solution to this soon. ;-)
Belated thanks for this session, and thanks so much for answering my questions. Really appreciated. Look forward to seeing you again when the Guru sessions resume!