screen capture plugin
I just used the screen capture actor but when I connect the screen capture actor to my drive there is no image that appears in my exit window. Could you help me.
Please put your computer specs into your signature so we don't have to ask for "Mac or Windows" what version of the operating system etc. https://community.troikatronix...
Best Michel
Please look over this tutorial video for the Screen Capture ALPHA actor, it may be useful.
Best wishes,
L Wilson-Spiro
Bonsoir ,
Désolé, Pc portable MSI i7 GTX 1650 .
@thierry said:
Pc portable MSI i7 GTX 1650
Yes, but you'll want to put this in your forum signature so that we can always tell what you're working on when you post. You'll need to edit your profile settings; how to do it is outlined here.
Also, did the video link I posted for the Screen Capture ALPHA actor help you at all or is there still an unresolved issue?
it might be that you have content rendered on multiple gpus (nvidia and Intel gpu). The plug in will only have access to the gpu Isadora is set to use. In your case that should be setup to use the nVidia gpu. If you have content on a display connected to the intel gpu you will not be able to grab it.