[LOGGED] OSC Multi Listener Types
I use the OSC multi-listener to get groups of messages, but this is limited at the moment, they need to be the same type, which I don't really understand. If type tags are used in the OSC transmitter (which seems to be pretty universal) it seems Isadora should be able to resolve the types, or in keeping with other mutable data types, each output should mutate to the type it is connected to. As it is now the multi listener has a single type for all its outputs, which seems like a limitation it never had to have.
Is there a logic reason we cannot have a mutli-listener that supports mixed types? This would speed up complex OSC communication routing and keep things consistent, the OSC multi-transmit allows for mixed types so it makes sense the multi-listener would have the same capability.
I have logged this as a feature request in the ticket system.
Best wishes,