[LOGGED] Named Signal Tags
@bonemap Another possible request if tags are not feasible would be to allow for the addition/subtraction of points to the drawn lines after they have been drawn. this way you could test the links before committing to large drawings. then if they work you can just reroute the line afterwards to fit how you like. Or redraw them to fit as the scene builds instead of deleting and redrawing them. I feel this at the very least would speed some things up and simplify them.
Thank you again, I really do appreciate you taking the time to provide some thoughts on this and to help look into it. -
@bonemap I keep thinking about how there might be a unique Isadora way to approach this and I had an idea. What if instead of a tag to replace the line, there was a send actor that was just a simple input that connected via drawn line to any output pin type from another actor. Then, there was a virtual link ID it could be assigned with to a corresponding receive actor that could receive the first send actors input without a wire. You could then have as many receive actors as you needed and have a line drawn between them and input pins (if the pins accept the signal being sent) of another actor. This provide the best of both worlds and still allows you to drop in actors in between if necessary. Maybe that's a better method that fits more in line with Isadora's workflow?
@jfg @DustinBoyle I was just gonna say. Just dump listeners in one user actor and broadcasters in another and you get exactly what you are looking for. You could pimp it with global variables or the data array actor if you want more functionality and the option to dump out files.
While I appreciate you're looking for a much more sophisticated system than this, but a helpful bit of Isadora functionality that I overlooked for a long time is...
if you hold down the shift key when drawing your connections you can connect to multiple inputs. Not much use if you're adding lots of additional actors one by one but if you know what you're going to need when first building the patch or user actor it can save a lot of time
It may not be exactly what you where looking for, but I remembered somebody already had done something like this and found it again.
Another approache could be to use the global value actor.
Just what I was about to add.
JSON, and User Actors combined can save you hundreds of connections in large setups. -
This is all very cool I will have to go over the suggestions listed here. thank you everyone for chiming in. If I have any detailed questions I will reply to the posts.
@jfg Oh wow!! yes that appears to be what I had in mind. I will have to play with this more. I was searching for send/receive and along those lines.
@Kathmandale AH I did not know you could do this. Thank you for this bit of info, I am sure to find this helpful in the future.
@Woland I will have to dig into this later this weekend, this seems pretty neat. thank you for sharing this.