Where can I find resources/documentation on pairing Vive tracking with Isadora?
I saw a post that was looking to achieve something similar to what I need. It was suggested they use a Vive tracker and HTC Vive system. https://community.troikatronix...
Is there any type of documentation that explains how to use Vive with Isadora? I've never used Vive before, but it sounds like exactly what I need to track some imagery to a performer. I haven't had much luck finding information on pairing these two specific technology. I'd appreciate any leads.
Thank you
So like always there are a lot of different ways to actually do this; personally, I use a tool written by the Media lab from the HKU (University of the Arts, Utrecht, The Netherlands) called NatNet2OSCBridge. Normally we use this software with our Optitrack system so that we can send out the data as OSC to Isadora / Touch / etc.
It also has the capability of sending out Vive Tracker information if you have SteamVR running on your machine.
If you have any issues with the above, feel free to send me a direct e-mail at hello@juriaan.me -
One thing to note is that VR hardware, as far as I know, is limited to use on Windows currently for just about everything because of the need to use SteamVR, which is no longer supported for macOS by Valve.