[ANSWERED] Why does the RTMP Streamer actor have "ALPHA" in the name?
I did download the latest version of RTMP for win10 and I only get to load in my patch the ALPHA version of it, which is not editable for some reasons.
I tried to download it twice and installed it twice.
Any suggestion of why I don't get the latest version?
The new RTMP streamer actor is Alpha at this time.
The latest version available in the Add-Ons page is version 0.9.3 and will be named 'RTMP Streamer ALPHA'You can check the version number by rolling over the Center of the Actor and reading the help text shown in the Information window.
@elena said:
did download the latest version of RTMP for win10 and I only get to load in my patch the ALPHA version of it, which is not editable for some reasons.
Just so you understand: this is a complex actor that uses code we licensed from a third-party (i.e., we didn't write it). While we have tested it on our end and are satisfied that it is ready for release, it is a very complex actor – it is highly unlikely that we have tested _every_ possible configuration of the bit rates and other settings. Once our dear users have given us a good amount of feedback (hopefully a lot of successes) we'll remove the ALPHA from the name. The word ALPHA is there to let you know it's a really fresh module and you should keep your eyes open for issues.
Make sense?
Best Wishes,