[ANSWERED] How to push the same value twice through the selector actor
Hi there,
I would like the selector to send out the same value from the same position in the value list even if it is already selected.
This way is maybe easier to understand:
I'm pushing the selection into the "select" input, but since it is the same selection no value is sent out. I would like to have the vaulue being sent out even when the selection does not change.
Is there any easy workaround?Tks
Hi there!
We can do this with an workaround, see the example file.
You can also give a try to the Table actor instead of the selector.
@Juriaan @DusX Thank you guys... I made something clearly less elegant with multiple Trigger value actors and comparators, completely skipping the Selector. It works, but your solution is definitely nicer and more versatile as it works for as many inputs as you want. I guess I'll use it more than once.