[ANSWERED] Datapath installation and output
Does anybody know if the datapath HX4 (it's for animations 24fps) can communicate with Isadora?
Does anybody know how I set the stage set up so 4 different video's will come out the datapath?
I will edit 4 different video's in a video of 16: 9 3840px - 2160px
Did anybody install the datapath so it's working with Isadora?
In the forum I read a lot about all kinds of black magic and cards, do I need to buy any extra hard- or software in order to make the datapath work?
I am totally new to working with a datapath. Hope someone knows more about this!
Thank you very much. I will work with a MacOS 10.15.7 , but will receive a windows laptop from the exhibition space to install the installation, but don't know yet which laptop. I need the datapath to work on Mac and windows if possible.
Best, Erin
I have used the Datapath a few times and made a patch for it. You don't need extra hardware just send a 4K output over HDMI. This is only the Isadora side. You also have to configure the Datapath with its own software.
Best Michel
@erin said:
Does anybody know how I set the stage set up so 4 different video's will come out the datapath?
If you want to use each datapath output individually (1/4 of the 4k = 1920x1080 per output): https://recordit.co/d1f94PZ6eF
- Output Menu > Stage Setup
- Create four Stages by clicking the "+" symbol at the bottom left of the Stage list (or by duplicating the existing stage three times)
- Set each Stage to use the same display (the Datapath 4k display)
- Click on the Display tab
- Change the split for each Stage to a different quarter of the display
- Done
If you want to use the four datapath outputs as a single 4k display (made up of four 1080p displays): https://recordit.co/O4TPYLYYTE
- Output Menu > Stage Setup
- Click the "Blend Maker" button at the bottom left
- Section #2: Select "Quad (2x2) Splitter, e.g. Datapath Fx4"
- Make sure that the display to the right of that selection is the correct display for the Datapath
- Section #3: You can leave the resolution as 1920x1080
- Section #4: Change the overlap percentage to 0% of the display (if you're going for a 2x2, 4x1, or 1x4 layout with no edge-blending) or 20% (suggested overlap for edge-blending if you're doing a 2x2, 4x1, or 1x4 layout)
- Section #5: Select your arrangement (usually 2x2, 4x1, or 1x4)
- Section #6: This should be fine without changing anything (you can always adjust it later in the actual Stage that's about to be created).
- Press the "Create Setup" button at the bottom right.
Best wishes,