Video Inverter
Has anyone else has issues with the Video Inverter actor in 1.3.0f25? It seems to be doing its job but none of the projectors will actually render a video that has passed through the actor to a stage. I can see the output in the thumbnails when I trace along the cables or when I hook it up to a monitor in the control panel but no dice getting actual output from it. In bypass it behaves the way one would expect it to in bypass and the not-inverted video does display on the stage. I have never had this issue prior to switching to f25 so I'm not sure what's up.
i'm still getting issues - even with the fixed version that Mark supplied
Thanks for the link. I must have missed that thread.
Any ideas about a recreate on this? I can't get it to fail.
-- M -
strange, in f24, with MBP 2.93GHZ Core2Duo OSX10.6.8, it worked with pictures but the bypass didn't, I mean you couldn't turn the actor off.
Then, I copied the inverter and projector actor, I connected it to a movie player, I changed the new stage to out2 but it did not worked, actually the inverted picture stop working as well.
Repeated the process now both are working but the bypass on the picture still don't work, you cannot take the negative effect out