[ANSWERED] Sending OSC between Macs over Ethernet
I want to send OSC from my old Trashcan to my new M1 Laptop over an ethernet cable.
Over WiFi it works, over ethernet I can connect the two and read files vice versa, but OSC refuses to appear.
Any hints? Do I need a router for this?
All my best
What you need is a DHCP host device, which could be another Macbook, or the normal way to do this is by connecting both devices to a router.
Method 1) Buying a Router
- Buy a router
- Connect both machines thru Ethernet cables to the router
- Restart Isadora to gain a new IP address, if it was still running
Method 2) Thru DHCP / Making a router of one of your Macs
- Connect the two devices with an Ethernet cable
- Go to Settings > Network and pick your Ethernet network
- In the Configure IPv4 Dropdown select "Manually"
- Set the IP address to something outside of the already used IP ranges. In this example, we are going to use (This is the IP address of this device / PC for the Ethernet Network adapter)
- Subnet Mask to
- Router to
- Click Apply
- Disconnect any other Networks (WiFi for example)
- Restart Isadora, Isadora should now have the IP address of Go to File > Preferences to see the IP address that Isadora is using
- Now let's setup our other device!
- Open up your Network settings again and follow choose "Use DHCP with manual address"
- Fill in an IP address as
- Click Apply
- You should now have an connection between the two devices, simply sent some OSC over the Network!