Strange Lack of Status in the Status window
Hi All,
I wonder if anyone has come across this before. On this project I am involved with at the moment all of our fade times in our jump and jump++ actors stopped working. The jumps would work if the time was set to Zero but not with any fade. More alarming to me was that the status window did not display any information.
It is on a Mac Pro 2.8Ghz Quad Core, 16GB RAM, running OSX 10.7.5 Lion. Isadora version 1.3.0f24.
The majority of the show was built on a computer running Snow Leopard, but was working fine for a time on the Lion computer.We were able to fix the problem by upgrading to Isadora 1.3.0f25 and that seems to be working and even when opening it up on 1.3.0f24 again it seemed to be working, but I have no possible explanation for why it happened. Any thoughts...? It is no longer critical at the moment, but I am curious.
Cam Davis.
I have never seen this before. Curious as to why and how is doing that.
Did you try re-booting Isadora when you were having problems? I find sometimes this helps.
I have had this happen once.. no reason I could find.. and went away later.
Yeah, when we were having troubles we did re-boot a couple of times and it kept on being the same. Sadly, having spent a few days more working with the newer version of Isadora the problem has come back a couple of times. The past few times re-booting it has helped. I still have no idea why this could be happening.
I normally run off a Snow Leopard system and have never had anything like this happen...