[ANSWERED] Quick question about LOAD
Re: [[ANSWERED] Mac Sierra](LOAD indicator is reporting huge loads while recording the stage.)
Hi folks,
In the thread referenced above @CitizenJoe quotes @DusX that LOAD in Izzy is a measure of performance in Isadora and not system usage. Does that mean that if a scene has a heavy load that I'm not in any great danger of crashes, if I haven't experienced that yet?
I have a scene that is like one of the most basic I have made. It's a still image being manipulated via TT Grid Warp on a keyboard trigger. Even prior to the trigger my LOAD indicator goes up to 110%. The result looks good and, because it's a still, dropped frames is not an issue. But, again, is it correct that a large percentage doesn't mean that Izzy is going to crash? I've been running this for a long time with no crashes, but I just want to make sure. (Also, I guess I'm just curious if there's something about the TT Grid Warp actor that takes more than usual processing power.)
Thanks in advance!
you can find a description about the LOAD indicator and how it works here. The simple explanation is: it shows, how well your hardware can keep holding the desired/set frame rate.
In general, there shouldn't be any final crashes, but starting with frame drops or replay stutter, an heavily increased load can result in less responsiveness of the controls and the gui, which in extreme could feel like the same. The real experts here might correct me, but as long as you are happy with the results and the general responsiveness of the system, the risk of a total crash is low. But in the End, as the nature of the LOAD indicator, the real reason for the high load stays unclear. Therefore no one can tell for sure, if your system specifically, might show instabilities, e.g. because of thermal overload or other hardware consequences.
Best Dill -
@DillTheKraut Is correct.
@jrhooker said:
Does that mean that if a scene has a heavy load that I'm not in any great danger of crashes, if I haven't experienced that yet?
High load does not mean you're in more danger of crashes, it just means that what you're asking your computer and Isadora to do is a lot.