Little Tich making fun of Isadora Duncan with Isadora!
Hello ,
Could not resist, had to share this image & video:
I recently made the stage design for a concert and one of the piece ((Impressions de Music Hall de Gabriel Pierné) ) was an hommage to Little Tich , en English comedian from the 1920 who was verry samll, funny and loved to dress like a girl.
In one of his show he is making fun of Isadora Duncan and her long dresses...
so I used this part, and of course, controlled the show with Isadora !
I don't think that Little Tich was making fun of Isadora Duncan. Sorry to bring historical accuracy in to spoil what's a lovely idea of Isadora and Isadora but...
One of Little Tich's 'characters' was Miss Turpentine, an eccentric ballerina in a badly fitting tutu which he portrayed in the sketch "The Serpentine Dance" created in c.1893, when Isadora Duncan was still a teenager in the USA. Another character he played was that of an eccentric Spanish dancer.
While I believe both Little Tich and Isadora Duncan were in Paris around about 1900 - 1902 and may even have met, I am certain that Little Tich's female dance character sketches pre-date that time and could, therefore, not have been based on Isadora Duncan.
I understand that the dancer he was really making fun of as Miss Turpentine was not Isadora Duncan but Loie Fuller.
This photo below is from the Wikipedia article you linked to, stating it's 1893.
At one time in my life I learned several of Little Tich's routines. With sufficient bribes I could perform an excerpt of the Big Boot dance at the next Werkstadd... though sadly I no longer have my big boots. -
@mark_m you are so right!
It is Loïe Fuller that he is making fun of in 1900!
I watch again the documentary "Le Grand Roman du Music Hall" by Pierre Philippe to verify!
would love to see a contemporary routine of Little Tich...
be happy,