[LOGGED] Color Coding Actors
Hi Everyone,
I'd love to be able to color code video/effect chains by changing the color of the actors involved. For example I could make all of the actors in video channel 1 blue and video channel 2 red. I've been trying to do to do a similar thing with background and while they are helpful, they are a little clunky and don't really fit with the way I build my patches. Here's a quick mock up of what I'm thinking about.
I've logged this request (and we've got a similar one for being able to define custom colors for specific links chosen by the user), but in the meantime, if what you're trying to do is break up discreet groups of actors that aren't heavily interconnected with anything but each other, you could consider using User Actors/Macros (with or without Background actors): Isadora File
Additionally, if you rename the User Actors/Macro actors or Background actors so that they have a "#" as their first character, you can use the hashtag list to navigate between them easily inside your patch: https://recordit.co/40sKIria0B
Best wishes,