Core Audio alternative on PC?
Hello everyone,
I'm moving an Isadora patch, made on my mac, to a PC for a public installation, however, I've just come across a problem. My patch has a number of core audio actors (AUmixer, AUAudioDeviceOutput etc.), of course, I now realise these aren't available on the PC (Windows 10). Are there any alternative actors with similar functionality that I can install to allow me to recreate the mac version on my PC?
If it is just mixing and output you are using, you can likely bridge this gap by using the virtual audio cables and mixing provided by VB-Audio VoiceMeeter
VoiceMeeter provides multichannel mixing and a couple virtual channels, and if you need more virtual channels you can add the Cables as well.We hope to add VST support in the future. This will address the need for cross-platform audio fx + mixing.
@dusx Thanks Dusx, I had a quick look - this seems to be an external app? Are you thinking that I'd need to send the audio out of Isadora and into VB-audio? I really need an audio mixing actor within Isadora as my patch affects the mix in real time rather than it being pre-set.
@nic said:
audio mixing actor within Isadora as my patch affects the mix in real time rather than it being pre-set
Yes, this is external, and right now I don't know of any internal option for PC. (the Sound Player has great multichannel support but can't mix incoming tracks).
It is possible to control this software via MIDI, so you can control the mix via the external software in this way.