[ANSWERED] Maximum stage resolution?
Hello, I am wondering if there is a maximum single stage resolution? I have looked through the manual and the forum here, but I cannot seem to find a definitive answer to this. Is it only limited by the capabilities of the computer's hardware?
I am planning to output to a video wall of 8 monitors in a single row. Each monitor is native resolution of 1920X1080. I'm curious if I made a composition/stage that was 15,360X1080 if that's even something that Isadora could output to (assuming my rig could handle that as well). The monitors in question have MST daisy chaining capabilities, so I was thinking I could input to one and then daisy chain them along. Or perhaps the best way would be to output to each of the monitors individually? Or in groups of 2? Apologies if this all sounds very "noob-ish". This is all just theoretical a the moment until we have the gear which will be coming in the next couple weeks. I'm just trying to get a jump on how to best to tackle this with Isadora as my main interface.
Thank you.
@bremen said:
You need to find out if your video card will support this canvas size. I suspect not.
You need to use a dimension your card supports. 4k can fit 4 FHD screens, while 8K can do many more. You might do a video composition at 4 x 1920 by 2 x 1080. 7680 x 2160, this will fit your 8 FHD outputs.
As an example: a NVidia RTX 3070 supports a Digital Max Resolution of 7680 x 4320
@bremen said:
The maximum resolution for output in Isadora 3 is 8192 in either direction (so 8192x8192).
But you could output two Stages at 7860x1080 and use hardware or other software to stitch them together.
@dusx thank you for this info!!
@woland that's great information to have on hand. Thank you so much!