[ANSWERED] Serial In Watcher - Text
I have a Pi Pico with 4 buttons that sends this ASCII:
With these commands I want to start 4 different videos.
Isadora shows in the bottom bar that it is receiving serial signals. But you can't see anything on the msg rcv of the serial in Watcher's text. What can I connect to the msg rcv so that I can see which characters are being received? I am new to Isadora and am working with the demo version. Who could help me with an example? -
@vtt said:
Pi Pico
Are you sure that it is a Serial Device and not a Keyboard device? If it is a Serial Device the only thing that you need to do is double click the actor and fill in the following:
What does this mean?
We are assigning a output named key
That variable named key is of type "string" (a text value)
With has a max of 1 characters
EOM character should be set to 13 (ASCII) for CR (Carriage Return)
Thanks for the quick reply! Now it works.
Now my Pi Pico sends these 5 values:
how can I make this 5 individual values visible in the Serial In Watcher?