controlling LED spots with Entec DMX USB pro
Hallo Izzies!
I am supposed to use some Colour Source PAR LED lamps for a gig tomorrow.
I am using an Entice DMX USB Pro and the Patch from the forum explaining very well how to fire DMX up in Isadora.
And it works fine for my first lamp which uses channel 1 to 5 (Intensity, R,G,B, Strobe).
I would assume, that I can put my next lamp in the chain on channel 6-10...
I connected the next lamp with a DMX cable from 1st lamps out to 2nd lamps in, set the 2nd lamps DMX channel to 6 and it does not work...
I am pretty sure it is something very simple I forgot...Any friendly soul who can point me in the right direction?
Hey Tom,
Could you share the patch that you are currently working with? Or give us only the portion that controls the lights?
And I don't mean anything by this; but you are sure that your DMX address has been applied to the fixture itself right? Often in spaces they tend to do spacing between the different addresses
I don't know why, but your file seems to have the Matrix limited to 4 channels. I wasn't able to reset it, so I did a quick test, and in a new file I can create channels as needed.
@dusx Thanks for the response. Obviously there are two things dubious: The manual for the lamps says, that the lamps need to have a terminator at the end of DMX chain...
And while scene 1 is indeed limited to four channels (and I can't see why), the scene 2 works as expected- without terminator ....
But thanks again for your help, I can help my friend today and will look into it later... -
as there is no information about the amount of pars in use its hard to tell. i can offer you my 48 channel light board which i programmed years back. But i still use it. Lightboard
@juriaan Juriaan, you are an angel! That was, what I was looking for and did not find. Thanks a lot!!!
@gapworks Thanks a lot. I will try your patch... ;o)