I would love a Pixel Fill actor.
Just like the fill tool in Photoshop. I imagine an actor with these inputs:
Horz (the horizontal position of the target pixel)
Vert (the vertical position of the target pixel)
Threshold (0-100)
Contiguous (off/on)
So you can specify a particular pixel on the incoming video screen. Hit trigger to colour every adjacent pixel of that value with the specified colour. (if contiguous is set to off, it will colour every pixel on screen that has that value, but this becomes more like a Luma or Chroma Key)
The Threshold would enable you to select pixels of similar value.
Maybe it would need a selector for different types of value (Hue, Luminance)?
What if it could fill a moving image? Would it need constant triggering? or maybe it doesn't need a Trigger at all, just a Bypass?
Any ideas? Would this be useful? Would it even work?