[ANSWERED] Image panning, zoom and projector settings
Let's say my stage is 7168x768 and I have an image that is 7168x4000. If I want to pan downwards on this image filling the entire stage horizontally, and the only way it appears I can do it is by increasing the projector actor's zoom until it fills the stage horizontally, then adjusting the VERT POS of the projector. However, the vert pos setting has min/max values of -100,100, and these don't take zoom into account, so its only moving the image up and down a little bit, never showing the top and bottom of the image.
The other thing I tried was the 'keep aspect' setting. But there should be more fit options. Just turning it off stretches it to the full stage width, but squishes the image vertically to fit. It would be nice to set it to maintain aspect ratio BUT have it fill the stage horizontally (or vertically) not both.
Is there another way to do this?
As usual, Isadora has many ways to solve this problem. You could try manipulating the image before it gets to the Projector by adding a Panner or the FFGL Pan, Spin, Zoom (adding a Scaler early in the chain might be useful). Or you could solve it using IzzyMap (doubleclick on the projector) - If this has an undesirable effect on the rest of your patch, you could use IzzyMap in a virtual stage and use Get Stage Image to route the results to your regular Projector.