[ANSWERED] Timer & logic actors that tells an infinite looping video to complete it's last loop?
I have a scene with multiple video loops playing infinitely. After 10 minutes, I'd like all the loops to finish playing their final video.
So, not looking for the video to stop instantly, but to complete it's last loop, whatever is playing... keep it playing until the last frame and stop.
Which actors should I look into for this?
Thanks in advance -
@dbini's solution is great. A few further points on that:
- Attach an Enter Scene Trigger actor to the 'run' input of the Timer actor.
- Put a Calculator actor dividing by 1000 between the Timer actor and the Comparator actor (to convert milliseconds to seconds, since the Comparator is set up in the screenshot to look for 600 seconds = 10 minutes).
- Initialize the 'value 1' input of the Comparator actor as '0'.
- Initialize the 'loop' input of the Movie Player actor as 'on'.
@woland said:
Initialize the 'loop' input of the Movie Player actor as 'off'.
I think you mean as "on"
my proposition:
best regards
@jfg said:
I think you mean as "on"
Yes, good catch, thanks. Edited my original post :)
Also the Timed Trigger approach is a good one, and I suppose it does use fewer actors
Wow! Really appreciate this community's knowledge. Thank you very much