[ANSWERED] IzzyMap - mapping live
Hi all! I am after some (probably fairly basic) mapping advice - I'm wondering how you are able to edit the projection map output to allow you to resize your map directly onto space in real-time. When I go into forced stage preview the option to manipulate the map disappears. I have the projector actor linked to stage 2 (the projector) Very basic question but I think I must be missing something and it's driving me bonkers! Any advice would be massively appreciated
@smoon said:
forced stage preview
First, I don't understand why you would use the preview mode to adjust mapping to fit a physical structure. You probably want to use Show Stages to output to your projector first, then you can double click the Projector actor in Isadora to open the IzzyMap interface. At this point any changes you make will be shown real-time to you via your projected image.
@dusx Thanks so much for your reply. Hopefully this helps explain better: So I've made my mapped shapes and now want to adjust in real-time, I have the projector actor open in output but when I cmd G to show full stage I don't get the option to manipulate the mapped shapes live. Frustratingly I've done this before before but cannot for the life of me work out what I'm missing! When I Cmd G my Isadora interface is no longer visible on my screen to access anything ( I'm on a mac and have the display setting as 'extend screen' Could you possibly advise where I'm going wrong here? many thanks in advance
@smoon said:
'extend screen'
Since you have extend screen set, I assume you have more than one display connected. The second display is likely projector since you are mapping?
You need to change which display the stage is assigned to via the Stage Setup dialog. Once you set the stage to use the second display, you should have your output on the second display and still have access to Isadora on your main display. In this way you can open IzzyMap and make changes live.Additionally, IzzyMap has the ability to publish parameters for external modification.. this allows live adjustment via any input you like.. for example you could use the color of a video input to change the rotation of a mapping. You can publish parameters by right-clicking points and selecting to publish them. Then when you close IzzyMap you can adjust these values externally. I don't think this is what you were asking about, but it might be of interest.