Isadora-Lanbox Show Control
In order to manage theater and performance productions I developed a couple of Isadora actors to run sound, light and video from one laptop. The hardware consists of an audio interface, a LanBox and a Korg Nano Kontrol.
During the show I use the control window in Isadora, containing a text window for cue informations, a cuestep window, a LanBox status window, and some faders. You will find a basic example, show template.izz as attachment.
The faders in the control window correspond with the faders on the Nano Kontrol. To keep the fader values up to date, I developed a patch as an alternative to global variables. You find the patch for setting up global variables in the “fader” scene, with patches for sound volume and video intensity.
The actors for the LanBox are explained in my article "Actors for using the TCP connection of the LanBox" (can be found in the Isadora Application section of the discussions), for the show control I created some more LanBox actors: LayerGetStatus, LayerNextStep and LayerPreviousStep (The names of the actors correspond to the LanBox commands, explained in the LanBox Reference 3.01). You find these new actors in the “connect” scene. All these actors use the TCP connection of the LanBox. For the network setup of the LanBox please refer to the LCedit manual.
It is not necessary to have a LanBox to test the example, you can also connect to the CDS demo LanBox, with password 777. In order to run the example it is necessary to prepare some cuesteps. My example uses Cuelist 10 (3 steps) for basic lightning of the venue (entrance = 10.1, basic = 10.2, applause = 10.3 ). Cuelist 13 (8 steps) contains the light information for the demo show.
There are various possibilities to prepare the light scenes. You can use LCedit or you can import DMX values from an external desk into the Lanbox. The REC button together with the REC parameter toggles in the first control window provide you this possibility (in case you are not so familiar with LCedit). LCedit is a great software, my actors add basically two functions, a scene fader and a record function, which stores “what you see” as cuestep.Have fun with my example. Feedback is highly welcome.
This is great post, thank you very much! Your link "Actors for using the TCP connection of the LanBox" seems to not lead anywhere though.
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I updated/fixed the link in gunthers post.