Quartz Composer issue with Mavericks
Hello falks,
I got some troubles to run the "quartz composer compatibility" with Mavericks.Actually it doesn't work at all. Here is the message when I launch it:Apparently, there is is a problem of AppleScript inside this famous "info.plist" but I can't find where and why.I've got several QC homemade patches and Without the compatibility Isadora (1.3.1f06) crash down after 2 minutes used.Is somebody as any idea to fixe it?ThanksJanvier StéphaneVidéo Vidy-Lausanne -
Dear Janvier,
I will take a look at this. But one thing I need to mention: this only affects the Quartz Composer plugin "Backdrops." Do you use the QC Backdrops plugin?Best Wishes,Mark -
Hi mark,
Thanks for your quick answer,You're right, I don't use the Backdrops and I removed them from the library, my problem of instability must come from elsewhere. I'll keep on searching!RegardsStéphane -
Dear Stéphane,
If you're having any crashes, follow the instructions on this post to send me the crash reports: http://troikatronix.com/troikatronixforum/discussion/65/bug-reports-guidelinesAlso, are you by any chance working with a recent retina model? One other user reported problems with the newest retina which I'm trying to confirm.But also I've just done some research, and I'm seeing several reports online about problems with Quartz Composer and Mavericks. For instance, this thread: http://vidvox.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=8004I will be getting into this and having a look as soon as I can.Best Wishes,Mark -
just saw this: