Latest MBPretina, Mavericks 10.9 and Quartz - can you help?
Hi All, Been co-helping a user along with Mark and we have a question that some of you may be able to help with. Do any of you have the latest MacBook Pro retina? Not early 2013 but the one that came out just 2/3 months ago. I can find exact models shortly. But basically the newest you can get. Secondly are you running mavericks 10.9? Thirdly do you have to core video upgrade? Quartz composer, etc? If you can answer yes to all these questions then we would love to talk to you and perhaps do a few quick tests for us? Basically, we are hearing reports (from a reliable user) that Isadora is behaving very strangely and so is Quartz Composer. We would like to get a second and or third opinion just to quantify and verify this. Has anyone else had any problems with the above? Thanks.