Isadora Creative Space - Monday March 17th (Berlin)
Dear All,
We will hold another session of the Isadora Creative Space on Monday March 17th, at the Alte Katine in Berlin.
During the last meeting, we discussed the notion of interactivity in performance, and why it is important. We looked at some examples brought by those who came and considered when interactivity made the work stronger, and when it took something away or distracted from the artist's expression. This led me to suggest the notion that we start working towards a modest but excellent festival of interactive performance works in Berlin in the fall of 2015.
The purpose of next Monday's meeting will be to envision what this festival might be, how it should be curated, and to develop a rough "manifesto" or set of guiding principals that will guide us towards creating an innovative, compelling festival.
The meeting will take place at the Alte Kantine (
**Alte Kantine Wedding
Uferhallen Kulturwerkstatt
Uferstrasse 8-11
13357 BerlinMonday March 17th - 7pm - 12pm**
It's a little confusing (especially at night) to find your way once you reach the main address. Please refer to the attached image so you'll know where to go.
See you there,
Mark -
Have a great meeting. Can´t be there unfortunately.
Share your experiences with us forum guys.All the best,Alex -
Too late, sad - is there any Alert I could have put my subscription onto ? Maybe I missed something, well, I did obviously ...
You can subscribe the the calendar (top right) -
@Skulpture Done . Thanx !