This should work ??
HI all !! the idea is to project the audience´s tweets. This patch is not working probably because im doing something wrong or missing a step.
Someone can tell me how to start working this patch please !!Thank you very much as alwaysmaxi -
Dear Maxi,
Please post the URL for the site you are trying to access with the TCP Stream Control actor. I can't help until I see the content of that page.
Note that if you are attempting to get this directly from Twitter, the went to JSON instead of a straight data feed (I'm not even sure what JSON is) but it has made it much more difficult to pull Tweets that way.
@Skulpture or @DusX may have more experience than me on this.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Thanks Mark !! this are two url im interested. Actually what i want first is to be able is to receive any kind of message from twitter, on a simple way using Isadora or this patch in particular[]( Hugmaxi -
Your first link shows that twitter no longer supports accessing data in this fashion (the old REST based api).
The second returns a short text file (looks JSON like), this could be brought into Isadora using the TCP actors.
I recently wrote a tutorial that might help you with this approach (note that the webpage returning the data to Isadora will need to connect to twitter via their Oauth interface) -
thanks Dusx !! ive already read your tutorial. what i dont understand is if i have to install something in my computer to be able to see the messages.
About my second link i could not be able to see anything. so maybe im missing something.?? do you have a link that you know for sure that will show me a message?. im concern that im not getting any message at all.Thanks a lotMaxi -
I think in might be possible to do the whole Oauth via Isadora actors, but \i have not had time to work it out (thats planned for part 2)
I have setup a python app to pass me the data before.. I used Cherrypy to reply to my tcp-ip requests on local host...
others have used node.js or processing.. I think there might even be web-services you can join that will provide a bridge thru Oauth.. but \i am not sure.My tutorial, provides a link and method to get its data.. its reliable as far as I know.
Thank you Dusx for your time and answers. So my last question to finish understand this are:
1-To get a replay from localhost I need to run a webservice on my pc? You are using Phyton / Cherrypy local?
2-Isadora only waits information from localhost?
3-If I don’t run any webservice locally can I also get connection? Like using php on my webserver?
Thanks a lot
big hug
Maxi wille
the actors can communicate to ether a web-based or local service.
to run a local service you need to have a webserver setup.. for php you would likely use apache, where I have rather used Python and a server module called cherrypy. -
I don't know how much interaction with twitters api you are planning. If you simply want access to your feed...
You might be able to use something like yahoo pipes to transfer the data to a rss feed, and pick it up in Isadora via the tcp-ip actors (like in my tutorial).
If you want to have full api access/control you will need code that can manage the Oauth login requirements (flash can, as well as, PHP, Python etc..)
On the forum another member is using node.js to connect to twitter, and is sharing the data via OSC, so that no TCP actors are needed.
Unfortunately it is the security requirements of twitter/facebook etc.. that make this currently to be a more difficult task.
If you are on a MAC, I would bet that there is a Quartz Composer patch that will connect to twitter that you could integrate.
Or similar could be done with Processing.OSC might be easiest, so I would search for any tools that will output twitter data as OSC.
I hope thats a help? I know its many options...