Probleme with different ratio and one projector
hello everybody
im a new user of isadora and i have a probleme with a basic thing, certainly not for the most of you....i have mapped three quad projector on a stage in 16/9 with square format ( with the aspect mode option in the quad), because i want to play some vidéos in 800x800\. no probleme to have the good size for my video.but i have to play some pictures to with different size in this project, inside the same 3d quad distort...and so if i have keep aspect option on off ( in the quad), i keep my sizee of the projetor but the ratio of my pictures are not good, and if i have the keep aspect option on off, the size of my projector change and it keep this new size for the rest...and so its not the good size for the video....thanks for tips.....i m hope im clear enough, because i dont have a very good englishcocoberdu -
I would change the pixel ratio of my medias (movies & pictures) to have all ratios and resolutions consistent outside Isadora.
Then you'll have nothing to tweak about size and/or ratios inside Isadora.Best
Philippe -
Is it only switching the aspect ON or OFF for both to work fine, or do you have to change other settings as well? And how do you switch beetween pictures and movies?
Michel -
@cocoberdu, I think the real problem is that the 'keep aspect' input of the 3D Quad Distort works differently than the normal Projector actor. In the normal Projector actor, the size of the output image is defined by the size of the stage on which the image is being rendered. The 3D Quad Distort, the size of the output is related to the size of the input image. Thus, while the 'keep aspect' input does in fact respect the aspect ratio of the image, it does not resize the image in the same way as the Projector actor. This design decision on my part is practical enough as long as the input resolution is consistent. But obviously, when the input resolution is changing it leads to results that seem 'unexpected' when compared to the Projector actor. I don't have a good solution for problem when using the 3D Quad Distort except to do as @fifou suggested, and keep the media size consistent. Best Wishes, Mark
after a lot of thinking, i changeD all my medias with the same ratio like fifou says. too much trouble with switching the aspect on/off, because quad distord keep the last ratio for its settings. and i switch beetwen pictures and movie with somes gates and a multimix... thanks for your help