QC video to Isadora via Syphon?
I have tried to get QC video (that is, a particle compostion in QC) via Syphon into Isadora, but failed.
I have the latest version of the syphon plugin installed, and it worked fine so far with NI-mate.
But when I try to use the QC video, the simple client won't recognize QC as it recognized NI-mate before; and writing "Quartz Composer" in the app line of the QC syphon client also doesn't give results.
Soem ideas what I could try?
Thank you! -
Did you download the syphon recorder to see if the connection works there. There you can also find out the exact application name, because all available syphon servers apear in a dropdown list. And if it doesn't help, follow the step by step install guide I have posted in a comment. but first delete all syphon .qtz files so you don't have any conflicts between different versions etc.Best,
Michel -
Hi Michel,
thanks once again!
Followed all your steps. Got the QC Syphon actor to send video to the Syphon Recorder and recorded just fine.
But can't get anything into Isadora...
Only thing I can think of: do I need to unistall the Simple Client app and Simple Server app as well?
Best Stephan -
The Simple Client app and Simple Server app shouldn't make any problems. Difficult to say what the problem is. Can you attach the quartz composer and the Isadora patch to the post, so I can try if it works here.
Michel -
Hi Michel,
the syphon plug-ins and -compositions should be in the right place (see print screen syphon1/syphon2). I have used the acrchimedes-in.quartz file (attached) in a 32-bit version of QC. My assumption was That I should see the the "viewer" window in the syphon app (simple client, simple recorder) and consequently in Isadora. Simple client doesn't recognize the QC composition, and the syphon client actor also doesn't (see print screen syphon3). The syphon server actor works fine (the isadora example video shows just fine in Syphon recorder (see syphon4).
Now, where it gets really weired:
Delicode-NI-mate also doesn't show up in the Isadora patch I have annexed (syphon-test) but simple client recognizes the stream (see syphon5). But in another patch it does show....
Thank you so much for taking time on this!
Best, StephanP.S. I couldn't upload the archimedes quartz comopsition. You get it here: http://kineme.net/release/ParticleTools/01
It works fine here and it seems that everything is installed at the right place on your side.
Well, there is one small mistake in your Izzy patch, you wrote the App Name wrong "Quartz Ccomposer" theres a c to much.
If you have only one syphon server at a time, Isadora recognizes it automatically and you can leave the App Name blank. With the wrong spelling it doesn't work.Best,
Michel -
Continues to not work, spelled correctly, or not using the app name at all :(
However, I can get other applications to work (SyphonCamera, Delicode NI-mate...)
I am right to suppose that once QC is open and plays a composition, I should get the video the viewer shows in Simple Client and Isadora?
If so, do you recommend uninstalling xcode and reinstalling everything?Best,
I can't imagine uninstalling and reinstalling xcode new should help. Anybody else?
I am right to suppose that once QC is open and plays a composition, I should get the video the viewer shows in Simple Client and Isadora?
Yes thats right.Maybe we can solve the problem on the next skype session.
Michel -
Just figured it out:
the QC composition needs to include the Syphon server patch(es) for the image (layers) of the composition that I want to send to Isadora ;-) -
What do you mean "the QC composition needs to include the Syphon server patch(es) for the image (layers) of the composition that I want to send to Isadora "