Crashes with Motu & Matrox th2g
i have a major problem with izzy 2.0. In the case i start motu cuemix before isadora 2.0, isadora won't start, else i start isadora before cuemix, isadora & the crashed. Ony a hard reset is able to restart my entrie system. So both applications will not run at the time.
my system is mbp 15" retina, osx 10.9.5 , izzy 2.0b16, motu ultra lite mk3, matrox triplehead2go digital se and a midi controller korg nano
i use cuemix only to mix micros & inputs, i don't use the motu as soundcard, izzy is used for video only
with izzy 1.3 i did't have an issue
some hints or workarounds are more than welcome
You can check the Console about the crash info. You may see what is in conflict.
sorry, i am not 100% expert, what kind of Console do you mean?
Hmmm this is a tricky one.
From the sounds of it it sounds like the CoreAudio is conflicting and crashing. But I can't be sure.Vankuru is talking about the pop-up you sometimes get like this:![]($CXIV/ATTACH-AEEE-7QGTQ2/$FILE/Picture%2051.png)If you Click Report... then you get a console log. -
it is crashing without any pop-up, osx crashed complet and restart is availiable only via the on/off button.
maybe CoreAudio ..... do you have some ideas for a test?
I think that Console is showing log of all processes. Specially after hard restart there should be logs of the reasons. On my system Console resides in Apps>Utilities folder
I would check to see if there are any driver updates?
i changed in the system preference - sound back to internal speaker and the interface for the motu from usb to fw via tb, than both applications are running ... fine for the moment .... so i believe there is confilct in CoreAudio as mention by Skulpture