Max/msp node object into isadora.
I'm trying to do an Isadora User actor. I don't know if you know it.
It is drawing a circle into a square an then when you move the mouse and you hit your circle you get the distance from center of the circle.
Very useful to play with music with Kinect for instance. Sounds could be placed in space and dance triggers them or plays volume for instance.
I'm attaching it so you can try. It is almost done but I have some problems
I can draw rectangles with mouse with my actor but: how can I know when mouse (or kinect skeleton part) enters this rectangle ?
I figured out 2 inside range connected to logic calculator, but I don't know- how to put the right low and high value according to rectangle (square) size
- After solving that I think it would be great to have a parameter going out this user actor: distance from center (like in max) Any ideas?
If I understand it right, I'd probably use a couple of eyes actors, and have them look at shapes feed and compare that to the feed that needs to activate your installation. Attached is my take on it using the same mouse stage actor, but you can link another eyes tracker or values from your kinekt/live feed.
you can link the size of the shape to the range of detection so it's more accurate. activator shape is there to see what it does but obviously it does not have to be shown. -
that is just brilliant. Thanks. I didnt dive in it (just came back from holidays and still "out". it looks a good starting point. But I don't want to do it with video. I'd like to do it with w and y coordinates 9 receive from kinect. Imagine someon ison front of kinect and dances. And imagine that with this "node" actor that you place one node in space (specific y and Y coordinates) The node has a diameter (it is a circle). Sound starts when hand of the user is inside circle (distance from center of the nodes is less than radius. And the more the hand goes to the center of the circle, more the sound volume is louder. That's what I'd like to accomplish.... -
Hola Armando.Revisando post he visto el tuyo, aunque han pasado seis meses. Yo resolví algo parecido hace tiempo.En una instalación con antenas que van subiendo o bajando según la distancia del bailarín con respecto a estas, y cuando las manos están cerca de las antenas a diferentes alturas hacen sonar diferentes sonidos.Te pongo el link de la inauguración de la instalación.[]( adjunto tu actor modificado.Un Saludo.Adolfo García[]( Armando.Reviewing post I've seen yours, but it's been six months. I solved something similar a while.In an installation with antennas that go up or down depending on the distance Dancer on these, and when hands are close to the antennas at different heights make it sound different sounds.I put the link to the inauguration of the facility.[]( attach your actor modified.Greetings.Adolfo García[]( -
Gracias Adolfo,
vi el video. Muy interesante. Y gracias por el actor del usuario. Voy continuar. Falta trabajo...Y te le mandoCiao