Anchor point / Origin point for Scales & Rotation
I was wondering if anyone knows how to alter the anchor point of a layer/projector? Similar to After Effects or Photoshop, so you could rotate/scale from a given point. I am looking to scale a video clip up from the bottom-centre rather than the centre.I believe you can alter the HV mode to scale from corners and I've experimented with using calculations, but wondering if there is a simpler way. Would it require adding to a 3D shape?Any help would be appreciated.many thanks,Darius -
There is no way to define the anchor point.
The way you have suggested may be the best approach. -
OK, thanks Graham. I'll have another play with using Envelope Generators and Calculator.
I just found an elegant way:– using the new projector, open the mapping, publish in "output", rotation, offset X and offset YIf you put– horz pos = -50– vert pos = -50– Rectangle 1 : Offset X = 1– Rectangle 1 : Offset Y = 0.5If you move the Rectangle 1 : Rotation, the image turns as usualIf you move the projector Spin, the image turns on is cornerAnd all the other possibilities.I think it's what you search.jacques