Black letters onto White background
Hi all !! im working on a project where audience sends SMS and we project them on the walls or over the performers. The letters must be black and the background white, so the only way i found to do this is with video inverter, so all the background became white an letters black. But when I tried to mapp the letters over the performers in real time it came to a certain point where while dragging the letters but with its background naturally, and then you became to see a black background. It all make sense but what i need is to have always white background. I cant figure how. I hope been clear with my problem.
Thank you as always !!Maxi -
The right way is to have a background color actor, with the color white and the a text draw with the letter black.I send you a sample.Jacques -
Dear All,
Jacques' solution is correct. But here is another using the 2.0 Text Draw actor: you can simply draw black text with one pair of actors, and then have a white background (or any background really) rendered behind it.I've attached an example that shows both a white background (first scene) and a video noise background (second scene.) Note that- the 'blend' input of Projector actor for the text is set to 'transparent"
- the 'layer' input of the Projector that renders the background is set to '-1' to ensure it is behind the text
Best,Mark -
Thanks Jacques and mark !!!!! is nice to have you
best,Maxi -
.... or you could do it all with white text on a black background and invert it later in the process - just before the projector maybe?
RE: ".... or you could do it all with white text on a black background and invert it later in the process - just before the projector maybe?"Yes, that would also work.Best,Mark