Bin Picker issue
Hi All !! I´m using the control panel to show my students other uses within Isadora. When it came to the Bin Picker I notice a Big down frame rate situation with all the videos i´ve tried. Using the same videos without the Bin Picker the frame rate is perfect. Is that possible? Maybe im using the bin picker in a wrong way?
Thank you allbest, Maxi -
I've never heard of this before.
Is it possible to post a screen shot or the patch? -
Thanks skulpture ! I send you the patch
The only thing I can suggest is trying version 2 of isadora or opening a support ticket really.
Thanks Skulpture !! but i´m actually using V2, just put the classic projector to be able to see in older version. Is very strange isn´t it?
Thanks a lotBest, Maxi -
Never had this problem...
Hi guys !! I found the problem that made go down the frame rate. It was the Classic Movie Player working inside Isadora V2.
Thanks a lot as usuallyBest, Maxi