Force actors to switch from vid-gpu to vid-cpu and vice versa without using the convertor actor
Just a couple quick question about how to get the actors that can do both vid-gpu to vid-cpu to force switch from one to another after it's connected to more than one actor?
for example, I have created an user actor that goes into 7 projectors from one user input, I found that sometimes when actors are connected to more than one actors, even though they're capable of switching from vid-gpu to vid-cpu, if the actor is already set in vid-gpu per se, Izzy does' t allow you to connect them, and it doesn't automatically switch from vid-gpu to vid-cpu. But if it's just one actor itself, it will just automatically switch from vid-gpu to vid-cpu. In this case, I have to disconnect each projector inside my user actor with a vid-cpu video link, then reconnect the user input to it, then it finally switches to vid-cpu. Are there easier ways to force izzy actors to switch vid-gpu to vid-cpu , but NOT converting the video from vid-gpu to vid-cpu , since I know that they're capable of either cpu only or gpu only.also, if I want to playback a movie onto two stages in vid-gpu mode, I have to use two Movie Player instead of one and change the 2nd Movie Player's stage to 2, since the Projector's stage doesn't work in vid-gpu mode. Has anyone dealt with this situation and know more efficient ways to work around it?Thanks in advance -
As far as I know is, that user actors themselves are not capable of switching from gpu to cpu automatically. But how about having two user actors (one gpu and one cpu) both with an "user actor ON/OFF" inside that can be triggered from outside.
Having to use 2 movie players in gpu mode is a limitation that will be solved soon. Meanwhile you can also play the movie with one player, use the "syphon stage out" actor and place as many "syphon to texture/image or video" actor as you need.
Best Michel
Thank you very much for the response @MichelJust to clarify what I'm referring as the automatic switching from gpu to cpu, you know how new actors in izzy 2.0 are default as vid-gpu but if you link it to cpu based actor, then it automatically switches to vid-cpu. For example:1\. Picture Player (vid-gpu) --> Difference (vid-cpu) = Picture Player (vid-cpu) --> Difference (vid-cpu). In this case, Picture Player automatically switches to cpu, and izzy allow you to connect the two actors.2. Picture Player (vid-gpu) --> Video Mixer (vid-gpu) --> Projector (vid-gpu)In this scenario, all these 2.0 actors are capable of doing both gpu & cpu, so they stayed on gpu without an issue.3\. Now if we try to disconnect Picture Player and connect Difference to Video Mixer, Izzy doesn't allow you, it stays on vid-gpu even though both actors are capable of cpu mode.Difference (vid-cpu) --> X Video Mixer (vid-gpu) --> Projector (vid-gpu)But if we disconnect Video Mixer from Projector, then Izzy allows you to connect it, and automatically switches to vid-cpu.Difference (vid-cpu) --> Video Mixer (vid-cpu) x Projector (vid-gpu)Then you when you connect Video Mixer back to the Projector, the Projector automatically switches to vid-cpu, then you have solved this chain to vid-cpu.Difference (vid-cpu) --> Video Mixer (vid-cpu) --> Projector (vid-cpu)So I have a scenario where I've already connected many actors together (which are capable of both cpu and gpu), but they're linked as vid-cpu, where I would like to force them to switch to vid-gpu. So far the only solution that I found is to disconnect all of the actors and then connect each of them with a vid-gpu actor so it switches, I'm just wondering if there are faster way than this? -
Ok, I see what you mean, can you file a bug report via the form. This really does not seem the proper behaviour.
Best Michel
oh! I thought it's just the way Izzy 2.0 is programmed to do and I was trying to understand it's behaviour. Ok I will file it as a bug report. Thanks!