Can you output files (text) from Isadora?
I need to somehow export information from Isadora into some other format (perhaps a text file). Does anyone know of any methods for getting non-visual, non-audible data out of Isadora?
MIDI, data array.....
Data Array is your best bet, but if not maybe the Javascript actor?
I guess it depends what information you want to share? -
If it's only numbers, data array is fine. For text, you can use Osc to max who can record it in text file. Sometimes there is problem with encoding but it works. (perhaps pureData can do it also)
I just answered this in another thread (duplicate?)
anyway, I would submit the text via a TCP (http) call (post), and process the text on the server side.This can be setup pretty easy running a server on your system for local host. -
This tutorial will show the basics of retrieving data..
So you would want to do the reverse, using a POST rather than GET (http request string will be different) -
Yes please don't ask the same questions in different threads, other wise the answeres get scatered all around.
Best Michel